Organic Veggie Box Scheme

We are a drop off point for Purton House organic vegetable and fruit boxes, which arrive last thing on Wednesday afternoons. Payment is by either cash or cheque, as this money goes directly to Purton House and not through our accounting system. Please pick up boxes by midday on Saturday or the contents of your box will be given to someone else (or the compost heap) and you will still have to pay for the forgotten box! Please remember that we are just a drop off point and not responsible for what is in your veggie box and also remember to cancel boxes by phoning or emailing Purton House one week in advance if you are going away.

We are also a drop off point for veg boxes from Westmill Organics which are also delivered on a Wednesday afternoon.

We also have extra loose fruit & veg from Purton House and Westmill Organics for sale, and in August and September we have excellent organic fruit & veg from Jubilee Gardens – a local charity for adults with learning difficulties. Most veg sells out on Thursdays so be quick if you want scrummy local veg!.